Monday, August 20, 2007

Soldano Pictures

Tony on the end, Philadelphia wedding

Uncle John & Aunt Jane Soldano's wedding

Aunt Jane Soldano

Uncle John Soldano

Aunt Mary & Uncle Joe Rossi

Aunt Mary (bride) & Uncle Joe Rossi (groom) & Best Man John Baptist

Aunt Mary Soldano Rossi

Uncle Mike (Tony's first cousin) & Family (Aunt Nickie, Michael, Joseph)

Probably Grandma Teresa Soldano and her parents; first communion/confirmation in Italy

Aunt Zia (Lucia) married to Joe Soldano's brother Sam who died young. Remarried later.

Aunt Zia (Lucia) & Sam Soldano, John Baptist

Cousin Joanne Soldano, daughter of John. Married Mike Zwartcheck, Tony's godchild.

Italian friend

Joe ?

Italian relative


Relative in Italy

Maybe one of Uncle Jon's children

Philadelphia niece



Philadelphia relative

Philadelphia wedding

Philadelphia relatives, probably Grandma Teresa Recupero Soldano's

Philadelphia wedding

Pat and Lillian Cuccio

Cuccio wedding, Bunny Newsgable (on end) attendant and sister to the bride

Youngest Cuccio daughter

Youngest Cuccio daughter and ?

1943 cards

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